Lì è nata la sua filosofia: kayak facili ma veloci, alla portata di tutti e divertenti.
Too long kayaking was considered mainly a discipline of professionals, from followers of the technique. Angelo and Costantino, the founders of WinterKayak ASD, wanted to reshuffle the cards and they wondered if it were not possible a totally different approach to the kayak. At first not too technical, not overly athletic, not programmatically competitive. In a word: easy!
There was born WinterKayak.
There was born his philosophy: kayaking easy but fast, and fun for everyone.
There was born WinterKayak.
There was born his philosophy: kayaking easy but fast, and fun for everyone.
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Per informazioni, potete chiamarci a questi numeri:
Angelo: Cell. +39 348 3174390
Costantino: Cell. +39 392 6540972
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Istruttori di canoa da mare FICK, FICT, UISP, Sottocosta, Tecnici federali FICK, Brevetti internazionali B.C.U. e Brevetti B.D.S., abilitati ad operare nel sistema Pagaia Azzurra